
A man named Callum Ryan, 23, decided to try out the expensive fish and chips at Kerridge’s Fish & Chips in Harrods, London on August 5th. He paid £37.00 for the fish and chips and £4.95 for a glass of coke. Callum, a content creator from Milton Keynes, was disappointed with the food, finding it bland compared to his local chippy.

Callum expressed his excitement to try the UK’s most expensive fish and chips but was let down by the taste and appearance of the dish. He mentioned that he would prefer going to his local chippy over Kerridge’s, considering the high price he paid. Despite the cool atmosphere at the restaurant, Callum felt that the food did not live up to its cost.

In addition to the expensive meal, Callum was surprised by a £1 “cover charge”, which he found unusual. Kerridge’s Fish & Chips, opened by celebrity chef Tom Kerridge in June 2021, has faced criticism for its steep pricing since its inception.

The total amount Callum spent on his meal included the fish and chips, glass of coke, cover charge, and service charge, amounting to £48.19. Tom Kerridge defended the pricing of his fish and chips, stating that people do not understand how it is priced.

Despite the high cost, Callum praised the restaurant’s atmosphere and the excellent service provided by the staff. However, he admitted that the price would deter him from returning to Kerridge’s in the future. Callum mentioned that he would have enjoyed the experience more if the price was more reasonable, especially considering the delicious sauces offered at the restaurant.

Overall, Callum’s experience at Kerridge’s Fish & Chips highlights the subjective nature of food preferences and the impact of pricing on customers’ dining choices. While some may appreciate the luxury and unique experience of dining at an expensive restaurant, others may find more satisfaction in the familiarity and taste of their local chippy.