
UTC Heathrow’s Year 13 students are overjoyed with their recent A-level and Level 3 qualification results, which have opened doors to degree apprenticeships and university places. The University Technical College (UTC) in Northwood is a STEM-focused institution that specialises in engineering and digital education.

In the celebration of its 10-year anniversary, UTC Heathrow has seen students secure apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships at esteemed firms like BAE Systems, Cyrus One, and AWE. Additionally, many students have been accepted into reputable universities such as Queen Mary’s University, Portsmouth, Royal Holloway, Nottingham, Aston, Surrey University, and City.

Headteacher Jas Kallah commended the students for their hard work and dedication, highlighting that these results will propel them towards their desired career paths. Among the outstanding achievements are Ibrahim Arain, who achieved D*D*D* in L3 Engineering and will pursue Mechanical Engineering at Queen Mary’s University. Similarly, Amarpreet Lalli, with D*DD in L3 Engineering, is also heading to Queen Mary’s to study Mechanical Engineering. Max Kotlarz’s impressive results include an A in Maths A Level, B in Computer Science A Level, and C in Physics A Level. He will be continuing his education at Royal Holloway and Airbus.

The success of these students reflects the commitment and excellence fostered at UTC Heathrow. The focus on STEM subjects has equipped them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen fields. As they embark on this new chapter, they are well-prepared to face the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

It is inspiring to see young individuals pursuing their passions and realising their potential through education. UTC Heathrow continues to play a pivotal role in nurturing talent and shaping the future workforce in the fields of engineering and digital technology. The achievements of these students are a testament to the quality of education provided at the college.

As they move forward, these students carry with them the valuable lessons and experiences gained during their time at UTC Heathrow. They are poised to make a positive impact in the industry and contribute to the advancement of science and technology. The future looks bright for these young minds, and their success serves as a source of motivation for future students at UTC Heathrow.