
Paul Cowling, a dedicated gym-goer, was faced with a collapsed lung emergency after mistaking the symptoms for trapped gas. The 32-year-old IT consultant was chain vaping at his desk when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest. Initially attributing it to trapped wind, he continued working while trying to alleviate the discomfort. However, as the pain intensified and breathing became difficult, he sought medical advice through 111 online and was directed to an out-of-hours GP.

Upon further examination, it was revealed that Paul had a collapsed lung, and he was promptly sent to A&E at Fairfield General Hospital in Bury, Greater Manchester. The excruciating pain caused him to crawl on the floor of the emergency room, where an X-ray confirmed the collapse of his right lung. Despite attempts to re-inflate the lung with a pump, the severity of the collapse necessitated surgery at Wythenshawe Hospital.

Paul’s collapse lung ordeal led to a double blood transfusion due to a ruptured blood vessel caused by the incident. The experience was a wake-up call for him, prompting him to quit vaping altogether and raise awareness about the potential dangers of vaping. He emphasized the ease of vaping as a stress-reliever compared to smoking, which allowed him to chain vape multiple disposable devices per week.

The repercussions of the collapsed lung have significantly impacted Paul’s life, leaving him unable to engage in the active lifestyle he once enjoyed. The surgeon’s warning about the condition of his lungs as a heavy smoker was a sobering realization for Paul. His love for hiking, gym workouts, and weight training has been put on hold due to the life-changing effects of the collapsed lung incident.

Paul’s message to other vapers is clear – the allure of vaping with its colorful designs and enticing flavors may come at a high cost, as evidenced by his traumatic experience. He urges individuals to consider the potential risks and consequences of vaping, especially in light of his own harrowing journey. Through his story, Paul hopes to raise awareness and prevent others from facing similar health challenges associated with vaping.

As Paul continues to process the aftermath of his collapsed lung, he remains committed to spreading awareness and sharing his cautionary tale with others. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of prioritizing health and making informed choices, particularly when it comes to activities that may impact lung function and overall well-being. Paul’s resilience and determination to turn his experience into a lesson for others highlight the significance of taking proactive steps towards health and safety in today’s vaping culture.