
Junior doctors are currently in the process of voting on a proposed 22 per cent pay increase, although they acknowledge that there is still more work to be done to fully restore their pay. This comes after a period of strike action that started in 2023, aiming to bring their pay back to 2008 levels. Nurses and ambulance workers have also been advocating for pay raises.

Following the recent election win by the Labour party, Health Secretary Wes Streeting met with the British Medical Association (BMA) to discuss ending the industrial action. The government has put forth a final offer of a 22 per cent pay increase over two years in England, retroactive to April 2023, which includes back pay. The BMA considers this offer to be “credible” and is recommending its members to vote in favor of accepting it.

The proposed pay rise is seen as a positive step towards reversing years of pay erosion for junior doctors. However, there is still room for improvement, according to the Junior Doctors’ Committee co-chairmen, Dr. Robert Laurenson and Dr. Vivek Trivedi. They acknowledge that while the offer does not fully restore the pay lost over the past decade and a half, it does change the current trajectory of their pay.

Despite the progress made with the pay offer, the BMA is already looking ahead to the “second phase” of their campaign. This indicates that there may be further actions planned to continue advocating for fair pay restoration. Shadow Health Secretary Victoria Atkins expressed concerns about potential future strikes in April 2025, highlighting the need for a balance between meeting the demands of healthcare workers and ensuring the sustainability of the healthcare system.

While the focus has been on junior doctors, the Royal College of Nursing is also engaging in discussions with its members regarding the latest NHS pay review. General Secretary and Chief Executive Professor Nicola Ranger emphasized the importance of all healthcare professionals having a clear path to fair pay restoration, emphasizing the need for equitable treatment by the government.

As the healthcare sector navigates these negotiations and potential future actions, it is essential to find a balance that meets the needs of healthcare workers while ensuring the continued delivery of quality care to patients. The ongoing discussions and decisions regarding pay raises will have implications for both healthcare professionals and the patients they serve.