
The recent rioting in Southport was not mindless, but rather targeted towards the Muslim community, as fueled by far-right influencers on social media. The police and others labeling it as ‘mindless’ are ignoring the underlying issue of demonization and targeting of Muslims.

Farage’s comments following the tragic knife attack that killed three girls in Southport were seen as cynical and divisive. His misinformation and rhetoric only added to the suffering of the grieving families. The far-right extremists, like Robinson and Farage, are seen as the real enemies in this situation, spreading hate and lies.

The violent thugs causing trouble near a mosque in Southport do not represent British values, and their actions are not justified. Instead of resorting to mob rule, proper legal processes should be followed to ensure justice for all involved. The rioters should be held accountable and charged accordingly.

The response of the police in handling the riots in Southport has also come into question, with suggestions that additional resources and tactics like water cannons and tear gas should be considered to quell dangerous situations. The need for a thorough examination of the police response and handling of the riots has been highlighted.

In addition to the Southport riots, other issues such as homophobia in Malaysia, single-use plastic bottle policies at events, and generational labels like ‘baby boomers’ have also sparked discussions among readers. The declining grammatical standards and influence of ‘influencers’ on public discourse have been noted, with a call to maintain individual standards and critical thinking.

Overall, the events in Southport have brought to light various societal issues and challenges, from far-right extremism to police response tactics and cultural attitudes. It is important for individuals to engage in thoughtful discussions and actions to address these issues and work towards a more inclusive and just society.