
Tory leadership hopeful Tom Tugendhat is speaking out about the recent riots, calling for a national conversation about the root causes of the violence. He criticizes what he calls a “culture of denial” that fails to address the underlying issues behind acts of serious violence and the motives of the perpetrators. Tugendhat believes that this denial and complacency have prevented us from being honest about the challenges we face as a society.

In his speech, Tugendhat emphasizes the dangerous nature of policing violent crowds and argues for a more assertive approach to maintaining law and order. He believes that visible lawlessness only encourages more criminal behavior and calls for the police to respond with “uncompromising force” when faced with violent disorder.

Tugendhat also takes aim at Prime Minister Nigel Farage for what he sees as irresponsible political rhetoric and the spread of misinformation that undermines social trust. He criticizes the government’s decision to reduce the amount of time that offenders must serve in prison before being released on parole, arguing that prison serves as both a punishment and a means of keeping dangerous criminals off the streets.

The Tory candidate advocates for improving and updating prisons rather than releasing criminals back into society prematurely. He believes that a strong prison system is essential for maintaining public safety and preventing repeat offenses.

As one of six contenders for the Tory leadership, Tugendhat is making his case for a tougher stance on crime and public disorder. His experience as a former soldier informs his perspective on law enforcement and the importance of maintaining order in society. Tugendhat’s call for a more honest and proactive approach to addressing violence and criminal behavior reflects his commitment to keeping communities safe and secure.