
Tommy Robinson recently found himself in a bit of a social media mishap when he accidentally leaked a message from his lawyer, Jesminara Rahman, informing him that she could no longer represent him. The far-right activist, who has been relaxing at a luxury resort in Cyprus, is facing a High Court case for alleged contempt of court related to a protest film shown in London.

In the leaked WhatsApp messages, Rahman expressed her decision to stop representing Robinson due to his involvement in inciting riots and causing suffering in the UK. She even went as far as to mention that she did not want his money anymore as she believed he was “destroying” the country. Robinson, known for his association with the English Defence League, was taken aback by Rahman’s strong stance against him.

After Robinson accidentally shared the message on social media, he quickly deleted it and reposted messages from his supporters without Rahman’s message included. It seems that Rahman, who specializes in tax disputes, felt strongly about Robinson’s actions and did not want to be associated with him any longer.

Rahman’s company, Tax Resolute Ltd, based in East London, deals with various tax issues and represents clients in disputes with HMRC. With her background of 15 years working in HMRC and expertise in dispute resolution, Rahman’s decision to cut ties with Robinson speaks volumes about her principles and values.

As Robinson continues to navigate his legal challenges and public image, this leaked message from his lawyer sheds light on the consequences of his actions. The incident also raises questions about accountability and responsibility in the midst of political and social tensions. While Robinson may have his supporters, it is clear that his actions have consequences that extend beyond his immediate circle.