
Tommy Robinson could be in danger of losing his Irish passport after officials discovered that he provided false information during his detainment by Canadian immigration authorities in June. The controversial former EDL leader was arrested in Calgary for a suspected immigration offence, and he tweeted an image of the immigration authority form which showed that he claimed to be born in Ireland, despite being born in Luton, England.

Robinson’s mother was an Irish immigrant to Britain, which allowed him to obtain an Irish passport and travel freely around Europe to avoid the UK criminal justice system. However, his false claim on the immigration form has raised concerns among Irish parliamentarians about the integrity of the Irish passport system.

Charles Flanagan, a former justice minister and chair of the Irish parliament’s foreign affairs and defence committee, emphasised that eligibility for Irish citizenship and holding an Irish passport are clearly defined in the law. He called for a formal investigation by the appropriate authorities to address any alleged violations related to Robinson’s passport.

Other members of the Irish parliament also expressed worry about the situation. Duncan Smith, a Labour party Dáil member, stressed the importance of accurate information in passport applications and called for collaboration between the UK Foreign Office and Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs to verify the details provided.

Paul Murphy, a socialist parliamentarian, highlighted the issue of far-right activism and racist violence associated with Robinson, questioning the validity of the information on his passport. If Robinson’s place of birth was falsely listed as Ireland on his passport, it could have been issued on fraudulent grounds and may be subject to revocation.

The concern over Robinson’s Irish passport and the potential consequences of providing false information have sparked a debate among Irish officials about the need to uphold the integrity of the passport system. The situation serves as a reminder of the importance of accurate documentation and the implications of misrepresentation on legal matters.

In light of these developments, it is crucial for authorities to address any discrepancies in passport information and ensure that the system maintains its credibility. The incident involving Robinson underscores the significance of transparency and honesty in passport applications to prevent misuse and maintain the trustworthiness of the document.