
The Product Safety and Metrology Bill is being hailed as a significant development post-Brexit, with the UK taking steps to align with EU standards once again. The bill, part of the King’s Speech, aims to make it easier for businesses to comply with EU regulations and avoid additional costs.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has expressed a desire to repair the strained relations with Europe caused by Brexit negotiations. He aims to establish a new security pact with the EU and secure a better trade deal than the previous agreement under Boris Johnson’s leadership.

The decision to retain the EU’s product safety CE mark, rather than creating a new post-Brexit alternative, shows the government’s commitment to facilitating trade with the EU. This move has been praised by businesses and internationalist groups like Best for Britain.

While efforts to align with EU regulations may upset some Brexiteers, the focus on strengthening economic and diplomatic ties with Europe is seen as a positive step forward. With geopolitical challenges from Russia and the US, it is essential for the UK to maintain close relationships with its European allies.

In addition to the Product Safety and Metrology Bill, there is a related issue concerning a pro-foxhunting group advocating for UK hunters to be recognised as a protected ethnic minority. This controversial proposal is likely to spark further debate and discussions in the coming months.