
A paedophile has been sentenced to jail for buying nude photos from a 12-year-old girl and then blackmailing her friend with them in order to rape her. Abdallah Abdallah, aged 34, groomed three girls over a period of five months, luring them with shopping trips and cash for indecent photos. He threatened to leak the photos online if one of the victims did not meet him in person. Abdallah paid for an Uber to transport a 14-year-old victim from Essex to South London, where he raped her without contraception, leading to her becoming pregnant. The girl reported the incident to the police, revealing that Abdallah had targeted three underage girls between October 2023 and March 2024.

Abdallah used the pseudonym ‘Ryan’ to communicate with the victims over social media. He asked the first victim, who was 14 years old, to meet him at the Westfield shopping centre multiple times. Abdallah was later charged for attempting to arrange a child sex offence in relation to these planned meetings. The second victim, who was 12 years old, was initially wary of Abdallah but was convinced by her friend, the third victim, that he was ‘fine’. Abdallah asked for indecent photos from the 12-year-old victim, who sent them to the third victim, leading to a series of disturbing events.

The third victim disclosed to the police that Abdallah had contacted her on Snapchat and requested naked photos, even after she told him she was 14. Abdallah threatened to leak the photos online if the victim did not meet him, and he also requested more photos from her. The 14-year-old girl was then raped by Abdallah after he booked her an Uber to South London, during which he instructed her not to answer her father’s phone call. The victim required two abortions after becoming pregnant as a result of the rape, causing her significant trauma.

Abdallah was arrested after the police tracked down his Uber account and was subsequently charged with multiple offences including rape, blackmail, and inciting a child into sexual activity. He admitted to all seven offences at a pre-trial hearing. The court heard that Abdallah had disclosed his struggles with conversing with women and his paedophilic tendencies during interactions with a probation officer. The judge sentenced Abdallah to 13 years and six months for rape, with additional time for the other offences to run concurrently.

In the victim impact statement, the 14-year-old girl described feeling socially isolated and emotionally distressed as a result of the abuse. The judge highlighted the severity of Abdallah’s actions, stating that he had used deception, gifts, and money to groom the children, isolating the rape victim from her family to carry out the abuse. Abdallah was deemed legally ‘dangerous’ by the judge due to his persistent pursuit of young girls and the serious nature of his offences. He was given an extended sentence with additional time to be served on licence, along with a lifelong registration on the sex offenders register.

The harrowing account of Abdallah Abdallah’s crimes serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that young girls face online and the importance of safeguarding measures to protect vulnerable individuals from predators like him. Parents and guardians are urged to closely monitor their children’s online activities and report any suspicious behaviour to the authorities.