
The Hillingdon community is being asked to share their opinions on how council and housing association homes are allocated. A 10-week consultation has begun to gather feedback on the current housing allocation system in the area.

Currently, the allocation system in Hillingdon uses four categories (A to D) to rank housing needs. However, with two-thirds of residents on the waiting list falling into Bands A and B, it has become challenging to efficiently prioritize housing need. Therefore, proposed changes aim to make it easier to identify who should be rehoused first.

The key changes being considered include increasing the number of priority bands to provide clarity in the rehousing order, reducing the number of additional priority categories, giving increased priority to some of the most vulnerable residents, and allowing more overcrowded households to bid for properties below their assessed need.

Cllr Eddie Lavery, Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services, emphasized the importance of carefully examining how homes are allocated due to the insufficient housing available for everyone on the housing register. The consultation period will run until Sunday, October 13, and residents are encouraged to visit to participate.

In addition to seeking community input, the council is also considering ways to address the housing shortage in Hillingdon. Strategies such as exploring partnerships with developers to build more affordable housing units, implementing incentives for landlords to offer long-term leases for social housing, and identifying unused or underutilized properties for potential conversion into social housing units are being discussed.

Furthermore, efforts are being made to improve the overall living conditions for residents in social housing. This includes plans to enhance property maintenance services, increase accessibility features for residents with disabilities, and provide better support services for vulnerable individuals and families.

By actively engaging with the community and implementing strategic changes to the housing allocation system, the council aims to create a more equitable and efficient process for rehousing residents in need. Your input is valuable in shaping the future of social housing in Hillingdon, so make sure to participate in the consultation to have your voice heard.