
Metropolitan Police Officer Under Scrutiny for Lack of Recall in Taser Incident

A Metropolitan Police officer is facing scrutiny for his lack of recall of key details in a controversial stop and search incident involving a Black child. The officer, identified as PC Connor Jones, allegedly threatened the youngster with a stun gun during the encounter, which has raised concerns about the officer’s conduct and adherence to police guidelines.

During a misconduct hearing, another officer, identified as PC Drew, provided evidence regarding the night in question when PC Jones allegedly pressed a Taser against the child’s neck. PC Drew acknowledged that he also threatened the youth with a Taser, despite the youngster being compliant and non-aggressive during the stop. However, PC Drew admitted that he “forgot” to record the incident in a use of force form as required by policing standards.

“It was a very busy day and, as a human being, I forget things sometimes,” PC Drew explained during the hearing. The incident, which took place in Greenwich, south London in September 2020, involved the handcuffing of the youngster and alleged intimidation by officers with stun guns. The young individual, now 20 years old, has expressed ongoing trauma from the encounter, stating that he feared for his life while surrounded by police, some of whom were armed.

Questionable Use of Force and Racial Bias in Stop and Search Incident

The allegations against the Metropolitan Police officers involved in the incident suggest that their actions were not a reasonable use of force and may have been influenced by racial bias. PC Drew’s lack of recall regarding key details, such as when he switched on his camera and why he identified the youngster as matching a suspect’s description, has raised further questions about the conduct of the officers involved.

According to the College of Policing, officers are required to start recording incidents at the beginning and continue until they are concluded. PC Drew’s failure to comply with this standard, as well as the Gowisely policy outlining the information that should be provided to individuals during stop and search encounters, has raised concerns about the legality of the search conducted on the youngster.

Despite the young individual’s queries about the grounds for the search and his request for information about the suspect’s description he allegedly matched, PC Drew ignored his concerns and proceeded to search a bag he was carrying without legal justification. The officer’s admission that he had no legal grounds to conduct the search raises further questions about the potential motives behind the search, including the suggestion that he may have been looking for illegal drugs.

Witness Testimony and Impact on Community Trust

Witness testimony from individuals present during the incident, such as Zuriel Williams-Kabasomi, who expressed concern for the young individual’s safety and described the police’s treatment as “brutalisation,” highlights the impact of such encounters on the community. Mr. Williams-Kabasomi’s statement about feeling vulnerable and threatened by the police’s actions underscores the need for accountability and transparency in policing practices.

The Metropolitan Police’s decision to settle with the young individual and pay undisclosed damages last year indicates recognition of the harm caused by the incident. However, the ongoing misconduct hearing and potential consequences for PC Jones, including possible dismissal from the force if found guilty, are critical steps towards addressing the officer’s conduct and restoring public trust in law enforcement.

In conclusion, the lack of recall of key details by the Metropolitan Police officer involved in the Taser stop and search incident raises serious concerns about accountability, transparency, and adherence to policing standards. The misconduct hearing and witness testimony shed light on the potential impact of such encounters on individuals and communities, highlighting the importance of addressing issues of racial bias and excessive use of force in law enforcement practices. Moving forward, it is essential for the disciplinary panel to thoroughly investigate the allegations and uphold the integrity of the police complaints process to enhance public confidence in the system.