
Following recent riots in Stockport, two demonstrations are planned to take place in London this weekend.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) is organizing a demonstration in central London on Saturday, August 3rd. At the same time, the “Enough is Enough” campaign group will be holding a static demonstration along the route of the march.

In preparation for these events, the Metropolitan Police has put in place a special policing plan. To ensure the safety of the public, officers have been meeting with Muslim community leaders and visiting local mosques and religious buildings. They are providing guidance and addressing any concerns that may arise.

While the Met Police has not received any reports of protests escalating to the level seen following the Stockport riots, they are taking precautions. A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police emphasized that while peaceful protests are allowed, any violence or incitement of racial and religious hatred will not be tolerated. Officers will respond swiftly to any criminal activity, either on-site or through subsequent investigations.

Specific rules have been established for each demonstration to maintain order and ensure the safety of all participants. For the PSC demonstration, participants must remain in the designated area on Park Lane (southbound) until the march commences. They must adhere to the designated route and conclude the demonstration by 4:30 PM.

As for the “Enough is Enough” assembly, participants must stay within the designated area outlined on the map. These rules, known as Section 14 Conditions, are in place to uphold safety and order throughout the demonstrations.

The Metropolitan Police is committed to facilitating peaceful protests while safeguarding the well-being of all individuals involved. By setting clear guidelines and maintaining a visible presence, they aim to prevent any incidents of violence or misconduct during the demonstrations.