
Isleworth & Syon School is celebrating the success of its students who have achieved GCSE results higher than the national average. Despite facing challenges due to the pandemic lockdown during their Year 7, these students have shown remarkable determination and hard work.

Rohan Senthil Kumar stands out with nine grades at 9-7, including impressive 9s in all the sciences. Similarly, Ken Burden has excelled with straight 9s in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, in addition to six other top results. Ken has also been active in musical performances and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Silver Award scheme since Year 10.

Elliot Powell and Parmvir Gill, who were also part of the Silver group, have achieved outstanding results with a total of 10 9s and two 8s between them. The dedication and effort put in by these students are truly commendable.

Shahjahan Akbar, who took on the lead role in the school’s January production of Emil and the Detectives, has earned an 8 in Drama along with seven other grades ranging from 9 to 7. The students have also excelled in languages, with Harpreet Malhotra achieving an 8 in Greek and Angad Madhan scoring a 7 in Punjabi. For both students, all their grades fell within the 9-7 range. Other languages taken this year included Italian, Polish, and Urdu.

Co-head teachers Simon Fisher and Jo Higginbottom have praised the students, stating: “These Isleworthians have truly embodied our ‘learners as leaders’ philosophy by showing a hands-on commitment to their own learning.” The school is proud of the hard work and dedication shown by these students, and their achievements are a testament to their perseverance and resilience in the face of challenges.