
An investigation has uncovered disturbing footage of sick pigs at an RSPCA-backed abattoir supplying pork to major supermarkets, including Tesco. The shocking scenes of cruelty were captured in secret filming at C&K Meats in Eye, Suffolk, which slaughters up to 1,400 pigs a day in gas chambers. Despite being endorsed by the RSPCA Assured scheme, the abattoir has been accused of multiple apparent breaches of animal welfare laws.

Footage Reveals Horrific Treatment of Pigs

The Animal Justice Project (AJP) conducted the undercover investigation and documented workers hitting suffering pigs with instruments and causing them pain and distress. The footage also showed pigs with visible injuries, lameness, wounds, abnormal growths, and other deformities. Unclean pens and poor hygiene practices were observed, along with severe stress indicators such as frothing at the mouth and heavy panting.

Ayesha Smart, a barrister specializing in animal welfare law, expressed concern over the multiple and clear breaches of statutory welfare regulations captured in the footage. The AJP investigator recorded workers at C&K Meats making callous remarks about the pigs, indicating a lack of compassion and respect for the animals’ well-being.

Concerns Raised by Experts

Former UK government deputy chief vet, Alick Simmons, reviewed the footage and highlighted instances where the use of paddles on pigs appeared excessive. He emphasized that striking or kicking animals in a slaughterhouse lairage is an offense under welfare regulations. The investigators also noted pigs being forced to lie in filthy and overcrowded pens, leading to fights and increased stress among the animals.

Dr. Simmons raised concerns about the transport of unfit animals and pigs dying in transit, indicating a lack of care in selecting pigs for transportation. He emphasized the importance of humane treatment and proper handling of animals throughout the slaughter process to prevent unnecessary suffering.

Responses from Authorities and Supermarkets

C&K Meats has maintained that it takes animal welfare seriously and follows strict policies to ensure compliance with high standards. The company stated that independent official veterinarians oversee their activities daily to uphold animal welfare standards. However, the footage captured by the AJP suggests recurrent breaches related to physical abuse and neglect of the pigs’ welfare.

In response to the investigation, Tesco issued a statement expressing their commitment to animal welfare and their intention to investigate the matter with their supplier. Other supermarkets, including Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, the Co-op, and Aldi, aligned themselves with the British Retail Consortium’s statement on animal welfare standards.

The RSPCA Assured scheme has launched an urgent investigation into the allegations of poor welfare at the abattoir. They emphasized their commitment to animal welfare and urged anyone with concerns to report them for immediate investigation and action.

Call for Accountability and Enforcement

Advocates for Animals, a law firm dedicated to animal welfare, is pressing authorities to take enforcement action against the abattoir. They highlighted a troubling pattern of regulatory failures and illegal practices in slaughterhouses, citing data that suggests a low rate of reported breaches compared to the actual number of incidents.

The AJP called for stricter enforcement of animal welfare regulations and increased transparency in the industry to prevent further instances of cruelty and neglect. They emphasized the need for accountability at all levels of the supply chain to ensure the humane treatment of animals throughout the slaughter process.

As the investigation unfolds and more details come to light, the public is urged to remain vigilant and report any concerns regarding animal welfare in slaughterhouses. The shocking footage serves as a reminder of the importance of holding suppliers and authorities accountable for upholding high standards of animal welfare in the food industry.