
Diogene De Souza, a dedicated Scout volunteer from Hanwell who also works at Heathrow Airport, is truly an inspiration to those around him.

Having been introduced to the Duke of Edinburgh Gold award through his graduate scheme at the airport, Diogene decided to follow in his parents’ footsteps, who were involved in Scouting in Goa, and volunteer with the local Scouts in Ealing and Hanwell. His journey as a volunteer with Scouts began in September 2019 and has been nothing short of fulfilling.

From his first evening at the “Trading Post,” Diogene was immediately drawn in by the excitement and energy of the Scouts. He found himself hooked and eager to continue making a difference in the lives of young people.

As he progressed through the Duke of Edinburgh award, Diogene made the decision to focus on working with Explorer Scouts, a group of boys and girls aged 14 to 17. He completed training and assessments to lead young people on camps and obtained his hill walking permit to offer more adventurous activities.

In addition to his role with the Explorer Scouts, Diogene now serves as a county adviser for the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. He actively encourages the 91 Explorers in his unit to take on responsibilities in planning and delivering the program each term. He also motivates many members of the unit to become young leaders and assist with younger sections such as Squirrels, Beavers, and Cubs.

When asked about his motivation for volunteering, Diogene expressed, “The reason I volunteer is it gives me so much enjoyment. The other volunteers bring different skills, knowledge, and experience, and it’s great to see how we all work as a team.”

For those interested in becoming a volunteer with any of the Scout sections for boys and girls aged 4 to 17, Diogene encourages reaching out to to get involved and make a positive impact in the community. His dedication and passion for Scouting serve as a true testament to the power of volunteering and making a difference in the lives of young people.