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A terrifying incident unfolded in east London as a terraced house exploded, igniting a massive blaze that required the efforts of 60 firefighters to bring under control. The London Fire Brigade sprang into action after receiving 25 distress calls about the explosion, dispatching eight fire engines from various stations to the scene.
The Dramatic Scene
Witnesses captured shocking footage from a passing double-decker bus, showing the house engulfed in flames on a quiet residential street around 4:10 pm. The first floor and loft conversion were fully ablaze, presenting a dangerous and challenging situation for the responding firefighters.
Firefighters’ Response
Station Commander Darren McTernan commended the firefighters for their tireless efforts in battling the blaze and bringing it under control. The dedicated crews utilized a 32-meter turntable ladder as a water tower to combat the fire from above, while the Brigade’s drone team provided crucial aerial support to the Incident Commander.
Impact on the Community
As emergency services continue to investigate the incident, residents are advised to steer clear of the area to allow authorities to do their work. Ley Street has been closed off between Eastern Avenue and Vicarage Road, affecting traffic flow in the surrounding neighborhood. MP Jas Athwal of Ilford South urged caution and cooperation, emphasizing the importance of staying away from the scene to ensure the safety of all involved.
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