
Gunnersbury Park has recently reported a significant decrease in noise complaints related to its summer music programme. This positive development comes after hosting events such as Soho House and DLT Presents: The Recipe.

Compared to the same period last year, Gunnersbury Park has seen a 67% reduction in the number of noise complaints and a 73% decrease in the number of complainants reaching out to the Residents’ Line.

Julia Mattingley, the Head of Operations and Commercial at Gunnersbury, credited the collaborative efforts with residents, businesses, and key stakeholders for improving the overall management of park events. This collaboration has led to enhancements in signage, toilet provision, communication, and a particular focus on noise management to ensure a better experience for residents.

To tackle noise concerns effectively, Gunnersbury Park has enlisted the help of noise management specialists to work closely with event organizers and their sound experts. This strategic approach has proven successful in significantly reducing both the number of complaints and complainants.

While acknowledging that not all residents may be fully supportive of park events, Gunnersbury Park remains committed to addressing their concerns and working together to minimize disruptions. Julia Mattingley emphasized that this progress is a step in the right direction, but the park will continue to actively seek ways to further reduce the impact on its neighbors.

Residents who wish to report noise-related issues or complaints can contact the dedicated Noise & Complaint line at 0203 781 0001.

In addition to the efforts mentioned in the original article, Gunnersbury Park could also consider implementing community feedback sessions or surveys to gather input from residents on event management. This proactive approach can help identify specific concerns and preferences, allowing for more tailored solutions to be put in place to address noise complaints effectively.

Furthermore, establishing regular communication channels, such as newsletters or community forums, can keep residents informed about upcoming events, noise management strategies, and any updates on ongoing initiatives to enhance the overall park experience. By fostering open dialogue and transparency, Gunnersbury Park can continue to strengthen its relationship with the community and address concerns collaboratively.