
Bruce Daisley, the former Twitter executive, believes that Elon Musk should be held accountable for inciting public disorder on his social media platform. He suggests that Musk should face personal sanctions and even the threat of an arrest warrant if his actions continue to sow discord. Daisley emphasizes the importance of imposing personal risks on tech executives like Musk to prevent them from stirring up unrest without consequences.

The UK government has also expressed concerns about social media platforms’ responsibility in the wake of violent unrest following a tragic incident. Prime Minister Keir Starmer has criticized social media companies for allowing the spread of false information that incites violence. Musk’s controversial posts, including one predicting civil war in the UK, have raised alarm among government officials and justice ministers.

Daisley, drawing from his experience at Twitter, highlights the need for stricter online safety laws to regulate the actions of tech billionaires like Musk. He argues that personal sanctions and criminal liability for executives are more effective deterrents than corporate fines. The potential impact on the lavish lifestyles of jet-setting tech billionaires could serve as a wake-up call for them to act responsibly on social media.

Furthermore, Daisley calls for Ofcom to have the authority to deplatform certain voices, such as Tommy Robinson, to prevent the spread of harmful content. He stresses the importance of holding tech billionaires accountable for the content on their platforms and urges the government to strengthen existing laws to address online safety concerns.

In conclusion, Daisley emphasizes the need for a collective effort to ensure that social media platforms are not misused to incite violence or spread false information. The regulation of tech executives’ actions and the enforcement of stricter laws are crucial steps in maintaining online safety and preventing the abuse of social media platforms. It is essential to strike a balance between freedom of speech and accountability to protect society from the negative impact of irresponsible online behavior.