The tragic story of Clementina Smith, a 97-year-old woman who passed away due to severe neglect at a care home, has sparked outrage and calls for justice. The elderly Windrush pensioner suffered from untreated gangrene on her foot, leading to blood poisoning and ultimately her death in June 2018. Her family had noticed deteriorating hygiene and changes in her behavior while she was a resident at Murrayfield Care Home in north London.
Clementina’s granddaughter, Claudia Smith, shared her family’s concerns about the lack of proper care and the devastating impact it had on her grandmother’s health. Despite efforts to raise the alarm and seek justice, the family has expressed frustration over the lack of accountability and closure in Clementina’s case.
After leaving the care home and receiving palliative care at her daughter’s home, Clementina passed away eight months later. The family has been vocal about the need for awareness of mistreatment in care homes and the importance of holding those responsible for neglect accountable.
The Metropolitan Police is currently investigating the family’s complaints about the care home staff’s actions and the alleged failure of officers to address previous concerns. The family has also reported injuries suggesting physical assault on their grandmother by staff members.
In response to the tragic incident, Four Seasons Health Care, the management company of the care home at the time, has acknowledged failings in Clementina’s care and expressed regret over the treatment she received. They have implemented an action plan to address the issues raised by the coroner and improve their reporting system for similar instances.
The heartbreaking story of Clementina Smith sheds light on the challenges faced by elderly residents in care homes and the need for improved oversight and accountability in the care system. Her family continues to seek justice for her and hopes that their fight will prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.