
Sir Ed Davey Supports Ukraine’s Use of Storm Shadow Missiles in Russia

Sir Ed Davey, the leader of the Liberal Democrats, has expressed his support for Ukraine to be allowed to use Western weapons to strike inside Russia, joining a growing number of senior figures calling for a change in strategy. This comes after Boris Johnson and five former defence secretaries advocated for Kyiv to utilize British-made Storm Shadow missiles to target Russian military installations. The debate surrounding the use of these weapons has intensified in recent weeks, with various politicians weighing in on the issue.

International Support for Ukraine

Foreign secretary David Lammy has indicated that discussions are ongoing with the US and other allies regarding the possibility of granting Ukraine permission to deploy UK-supplied Storm Shadow missiles to attack Russian airbases and military sites. While some have downplayed the significance of these missiles in determining the outcome of the conflict, others, including Sir Ed Davey, believe that providing Ukraine with such weaponry could help deter further aggression from Russia.

During a Q&A session at the Liberal Democrats’ autumn conference, Sir Ed emphasized the need to make difficult decisions in supporting Ukraine’s efforts to defend itself against Russian incursions. He expressed his belief that President Zelensky and the Ukrainian forces should be allowed to utilize long-range weapons to target Russian military installations within Russia. This stance reflects a growing sentiment among Western leaders that a more assertive approach is needed to counter Russian aggression in the region.

A Shift in Strategy

The calls for allowing Ukraine to use advanced weaponry like Storm Shadow missiles mark a departure from previous policies of restraint and non-intervention. The willingness of leaders like Sir Ed Davey to support such a move underscores the gravity of the situation in Ukraine and the need for a decisive response to Russian aggression. As tensions continue to escalate in the region, the debate over arming Ukraine with advanced weapons has taken on new urgency.

Lib Dem deputy leader Daisy Cooper echoed Sir Ed’s sentiments, emphasizing the threat posed by Putin’s regime to liberal democracy and European values. She stressed the importance of providing substantial support to Ukraine to help repel Russian forces and protect the country’s sovereignty. The growing consensus among Western leaders that a more robust response is needed to confront Russian aggression reflects a shift in strategy towards a more proactive approach to the conflict.

The Global Response

President Putin’s warning that allowing Ukraine to conduct long-range strikes could lead to a full-scale conflict with NATO has not deterred Western leaders from considering such actions. The United States, the United Kingdom, and other allies are engaged in diplomatic discussions on how best to support Ukraine’s defense efforts against Russian forces. The issue of providing Ukraine with advanced weaponry like Storm Shadow missiles has become a focal point of these discussions, with proponents arguing that such weapons could help tilt the balance of power in favor of Ukraine.

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other senior officials have urged swift action to authorize Ukraine to use long-range missiles against Russian targets. They have cautioned against delays in providing the necessary support to Ukraine, warning that any hesitation could embolden Putin and further destabilize the region. The urgency of the situation in Ukraine has prompted calls for a more resolute response from Western powers, emphasizing the need to stand united against Russian aggression.

In conclusion, the debate over whether to allow Ukraine to use advanced weaponry like Storm Shadow missiles reflects a broader shift in strategy towards a more assertive approach to countering Russian aggression in the region. The growing consensus among Western leaders that a more proactive stance is needed underscores the seriousness of the situation in Ukraine and the need for decisive action to protect the country’s sovereignty. As tensions continue to escalate, the international community must remain vigilant and united in supporting Ukraine’s defense efforts against Russian forces.