
Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner is set to announce a new National Planning Policy Framework aimed at increasing the building of affordable homes. She emphasized the urgent need for more social housing to address the housing crisis in the country. The government is preparing for tough decisions on spending and taxation following a Treasury audit revealing a significant shortfall.

Labour’s focus on increasing housebuilding as a means to stimulate economic growth and tackle the housing supply issue is highlighted. Rayner’s personal background growing up in a council home has influenced her strong commitment to delivering more social housing. The contrast in social housing delivery between Labour and Conservative governments is evident, with Labour historically delivering more social rent homes.

Shadow Chancellor Jeremy Hunt criticized Labour’s portrayal of the public finances as a mess, emphasizing that the economy is healthy and growing. He accused Labour of trying to create a pretext for tax increases after promising not to raise taxes before the election. Rayner expressed confidence in the Labour government’s ability to make tough decisions in the national interest to drive growth and address housing needs.

Rayner assured that the government is committed to building the homes needed in the country and is determined to unblock the planning system to make it happen. She emphasized the importance of delivering social and affordable housing at scale to provide secure housing for everyone. The government will work closely with local leaders and prioritize brownfield development while ensuring that green spaces and infrastructure are considered in new housing plans.

Overall, the government’s proposed overhaul of planning rules and focus on increasing social housing aim to address the housing crisis and stimulate economic growth. The tough decisions ahead on spending and taxation will be crucial in moving towards the goal of providing affordable and secure housing for all residents.