
Tourists visiting Big Ben in London have shared their thoughts on the historical landmark on the online review site TripAdvisor. Despite receiving a high rating of 4.5/5 from over 32,000 guests, there were still nearly 800 reviews rating it as terrible. One visitor expressed disappointment, expecting the “clock” (bell) to do more than just tell time and chime.

Some of the funniest reviews included one person questioning the hype around Big Ben, expecting it to dance like the YMCA. Another visitor compared it to a clock at their nan’s house, saying it was nothing special. One tourist even suggested that Big Ben should be modernized, claiming their Apple Watch was more accurate and visually appealing.

While some guests were let down by their visit, many others praised Big Ben for its historical significance and intricate design. One user recommended it as a must-see landmark in London, easily accessible from the nearest tube station. Another visitor admired the beautiful and detailed design of the tower, especially the stunning gold leaf around the top.

Despite the mixed reviews, Big Ben continues to attract tourists from around the world, with its iconic status and rich history making it a popular destination in London. Whether visitors are impressed by its grandeur or expecting more entertainment, the landmark remains a significant symbol of the city’s heritage and culture.