
Shopping for the perfect outfit can be a fun and exciting experience, whether you’re looking for a stunning LBD for the upcoming festive season or checking out the latest autumn/winter trends. It’s a great way to spend time with loved ones, enjoy some alone time, or simply update your wardrobe with the latest styles.

Feeling confident in your outfit can truly make you feel amazing, and we believe that this sentiment should be shared with everyone. That’s why we want to hear about your favourite fashion boutiques in the area so we can compile a list of must-visit shopping destinations. This way, the next time you need a new outfit for a special occasion, you’ll know exactly where to go.

To help us discover the best fashion boutiques in the area, we’re asking our readers to nominate their favourite local shops for our competition. All we ask is that the nominations are for stores within our newspaper’s distribution area. The deadline for nominations is September 23, 2024.

The top five boutiques with the most nominations will move on to the final stage, where voting will take place in the newspaper the week of September 30, 2024. The winning boutique will receive a trophy, a professionally printed vinyl banner, a certificate, and a feature in the local newspaper.

If you’d like to nominate your favourite fashion boutique, simply click on the link provided to submit your entry. Remember, only one nomination per form is allowed, and all entries must be received by the closing date to be considered. Multiple nominations from the same household are permitted, and photocopies or defective forms will be excluded.

For more information on the competition’s terms and conditions, as well as how your data will be handled, please visit our website. Don’t miss this opportunity to shine a spotlight on your favourite fashion boutique and help others discover the best shopping spots in the area. Let’s celebrate the joy of finding the perfect outfit and feeling your best!