
Former Police Officer’s Shocking Crime Caught on CCTV

In a disturbing turn of events, CCTV footage from 2022 captured the horrifying moment when a former police officer deliberately crashed a car into his ex-girlfriend’s office. William McBurnie, 57, was caught on camera attempting to kill his former partner, Zoe Turnbull, by driving through the window of the funeral directors in Jedburgh where she worked. The shocking incident unfolded as McBurnie, who was nearly three times over the legal alcohol limit, mounted the pavement and smashed through the glass window of the office. Zoe Turnbull, 46, and her mother Beverley, 71, narrowly escaped with their lives by pinning themselves against the walls.

The brazen and violent act left the community in shock and disbelief. McBurnie, originally from Northern Ireland, later pleaded guilty to attempted murder at the High Court in Livingston on September 9th. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of domestic violence and the devastating consequences it can have on its victims.

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Victims

Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects individuals and families across all walks of life. It is not limited to physical abuse but can also encompass emotional, psychological, and financial abuse. In the case of Zoe Turnbull and her mother Beverley, the trauma of being targeted by someone they once trusted must have been overwhelming. The psychological scars left by such a harrowing experience can take years to heal, if they ever do.

Victims of domestic violence often suffer in silence, fearing retaliation or further harm if they speak out. It is crucial for society to create a safe space for survivors to come forward and seek help. Organizations and support groups dedicated to assisting victims of domestic violence play a vital role in providing resources and guidance to those in need. By raising awareness and promoting a culture of zero tolerance towards domestic abuse, we can work towards preventing tragedies like the one that unfolded in Jedburgh.

Addressing Mental Health and Alcohol Abuse in Law Enforcement

The shocking actions of William McBurnie raise important questions about mental health and alcohol abuse within law enforcement. As a former police officer, McBurnie was entrusted with upholding the law and protecting the community. However, his violent and reckless behavior highlights the need for greater attention to mental health issues among law enforcement officers.

The high-stress nature of police work, coupled with exposure to traumatic incidents, can take a toll on an officer’s mental well-being. It is essential for police departments to provide adequate support and resources for officers struggling with mental health issues. Regular mental health screenings, access to counseling services, and peer support programs can help mitigate the risk of officers experiencing burnout or engaging in destructive behavior.

Moreover, addressing alcohol abuse within the law enforcement community is crucial in maintaining the integrity and professionalism of the force. Substance abuse can impair judgment, affect decision-making abilities, and compromise the safety of both officers and the public. By implementing strict policies around alcohol use and providing education on the dangers of substance abuse, police departments can work towards creating a healthier and safer work environment for their personnel.


The shocking incident involving William McBurnie serves as a sobering reminder of the devastating impact of domestic violence and the urgent need to address mental health and alcohol abuse in law enforcement. It is imperative for society to stand united against all forms of violence and to support survivors in their journey towards healing and justice. By fostering a culture of empathy, understanding, and accountability, we can work towards creating a safer and more equitable world for all.