
A ten-year-old girl named Evie Smith has recently made headlines after being excluded from her school, Kincraig Primary School in Blackpool, Lancashire, for her unique split-dyed hair inspired by her favorite singer, Melanie Martinez. Evie, who is in year six, dyed half of her brown hair blonde to match Martinez’s iconic hairstyle, which was inspired by Cruella de Vil from the film 101 Dalmatians. However, upon returning to school with her new hair color, Evie was told by teachers that her hairstyle was ‘distracting’ to other pupils, leading to her exclusion from school until she dyes it back to its original color.

Evie’s mother, April Smith, 35, has been vocal about her disagreement with the school’s decision, stating that she will not change her daughter’s hairstyle until after she attends Martinez’s concert in Manchester later in the month. April explained that she believes it is important for children to express themselves freely and that Evie’s hair is a form of self-expression that should be celebrated rather than penalized.

Despite the school’s insistence that Evie must dye her hair back to its original color in order to return, April has chosen to homeschool her daughter until after the concert. April, who suffers from fibromyalgia and arthritis, relies on Evie to help with household tasks and caring for her younger sister, Trinity. She emphasized that Evie is a diligent student who consistently meets her academic targets and has never caused any issues at school.

In response to the situation, Kincraig Primary School’s headteacher, Karen Appleby, clarified that Evie had not been suspended but rather excluded until her hair color conforms to the school’s uniform policy. Appleby stated that the school’s priority is to have all students learning in class with their friends and that they are working with April to resolve the issue promptly.

While the school has a clear uniform policy that students are expected to follow, many have criticized the decision to exclude Evie for her unique hairstyle. Supporters of Evie have argued that children should be allowed to express themselves creatively and that individuality should be celebrated rather than suppressed.

As the story of Evie’s exclusion continues to make waves, it raises important questions about school policies regarding self-expression, individuality, and the impact of such policies on students’ well-being and sense of identity. The incident has sparked a larger conversation about the role of schools in nurturing creativity and supporting students in expressing themselves authentically.

Support for Evie

The story of Evie’s exclusion has garnered widespread support from individuals who believe that children should be encouraged to express themselves creatively without fear of retribution. Many have taken to social media to express solidarity with Evie and her family, sharing messages of support and encouragement.

Some have criticized the school’s decision, arguing that it sends the wrong message to students about the value of individuality and self-expression. Others have praised Evie for her courage in standing up for her right to express herself and have commended her mother, April, for supporting her daughter’s decision.

Impact on Evie and her Family

The incident has had a significant impact on Evie and her family, with April expressing frustration over the school’s handling of the situation. April’s decision to homeschool Evie until after the concert reflects her commitment to supporting her daughter’s autonomy and creative expression.

Evie, who is described as a smart and diligent student, has been vocal about her disappointment in the school’s decision to exclude her based on her hair color. She has emphasized that her hairstyle was not disruptive to other students and that she should be allowed to express herself freely.

Reflection on School Policies

The story of Evie’s exclusion has sparked a larger conversation about the impact of school policies on students’ self-expression and individuality. Many have questioned the reasoning behind the school’s decision to exclude Evie for her hair color, arguing that such policies may stifle creativity and discourage students from embracing their unique identities.

As schools grapple with issues of uniformity and conformity, the case of Evie Smith serves as a reminder of the importance of supporting students in expressing themselves authentically and celebrating their individuality. The incident highlights the need for schools to reevaluate their policies to ensure that they promote a positive and inclusive environment for all students.