
Justice for Grenfell Tower Victims: Angela Rayner Calls for Prosecutions

In the wake of the devastating Grenfell Tower disaster in 2017, which claimed the lives of 72 people, Deputy Prime Minister and Housing Secretary Angela Rayner has thrown her support behind calls for criminal prosecutions against those responsible for the tragedy. Rayner emphasized the need for swift action to ensure that justice is served and that the failures that led to the disaster are not left unpunished.

The release of a scathing report following a seven-year public inquiry laid bare the systemic failures that contributed to the Grenfell Tower fire. The report pointed fingers at central government for decades of neglect, as well as several multimillion-dollar companies involved in the tower’s refurbishment. The findings underscored the avoidable nature of the tragedy and the need for accountability.

Supporting the Police Investigation

Angela Rayner made it clear that she stands behind the Metropolitan Police in their efforts to bring those responsible for the Grenfell Tower disaster to justice. She stressed the importance of expediting the criminal investigation to ensure that the victims and their families receive the closure they deserve. Rayner asserted that justice delayed is justice denied, and as such, the police must be supported in their pursuit of the truth.

When asked about the possibility of individuals facing prison time as a result of the inquiry’s findings, Rayner affirmed that there must be consequences for the actions and inactions that led to the tragedy. She reiterated her support for the Met police in carrying out a thorough investigation and emphasized the government’s role in providing the necessary resources and assistance to expedite the process.

Consequences for Wrongdoing

The retired judge leading the inquiry, Sir Martin Moore-Bick, highlighted the deliberate and sustained efforts of companies like Arconic, Celotex, and Kingspan to mislead the public about the materials used on Grenfell Tower. He condemned their incompetence, cavalier attitudes, and concealment of wrongdoing, noting that the safety concerns of residents were ignored by the local authorities and the building’s landlord.

Angela Rayner underscored the need for swift action following the inquiry’s conclusion, urging the Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Service to act decisively in holding accountable those responsible for the disaster. She emphasized that justice must be served, and individuals or entities found guilty of criminality must face the consequences of their actions.

Ensuring Building Safety

Despite the passage of seven years since the Grenfell Tower fire, progress in making buildings safe has been slow. Angela Rayner expressed dissatisfaction with the pace of efforts to address dangerous cladding and other safety issues in buildings across the UK. She acknowledged the ongoing risks faced by residents living in buildings that may not be entirely safe and emphasized the need for robust fire safety measures to protect vulnerable populations.

Rayner highlighted the importance of fire evacuation procedures, the presence of waking watches where necessary, and collaboration with fire brigades to ensure the safety of residents in at-risk buildings. She underscored the obligations of building owners and regulators to prioritize the safety of occupants and emphasized the ongoing work to improve building safety standards across the UK.

In the aftermath of a recent tower block fire in Catford, south-east London, which occurred shortly after the release of the Grenfell Tower report, Rayner reiterated the urgency of addressing safety concerns in all buildings. The swift response by firefighters in evacuating residents and preventing injuries served as a reminder of the critical importance of proactive measures to safeguard against future tragedies.

As the pursuit of justice for the Grenfell Tower victims continues, Angela Rayner remains committed to ensuring that those responsible for the disaster are held to account. With a focus on transparency, accountability, and swift action, Rayner’s support for criminal prosecutions underscores the need for accountability in the face of preventable tragedies.