
I’m not really good at drawing or creating art, so I struggled with learning Photoshop. But now, I use AI to make fun images instead. There are some pretty cool AI tools out there that can make your life more interesting and entertaining. Let’s explore some of these free AI tools and games that can enhance your experience.

One interesting AI tool is Udio, which allows you to create custom music tracks. Even if you’re not musically inclined, Udio can help you experiment with different song styles and genres. You can even customize the lyrics to make the song your own. It’s a fun way to create music for yourself or loved ones.

If you enjoy making videos, you can try Invideo, an AI tool that helps you produce quick video clips. You don’t need any experience to use Invideo, and you can add AI narration to your videos for an extra touch. While the free account may put a watermark on your videos, it’s still a great option for creating fun and engaging content.

For those interested in digital art, OpenArt is a great AI tool for creating illustrations and animations. You can start with a simple text prompt and then customize the image style and output size to your liking. You can even upload your own images for the AI to use as inspiration. If you enjoy creating digital art, you can also try the OpenArt Sketch to Image generator for more creative options.

If music and art aren’t your thing, there are still plenty of other free AI tools and games to explore. For example, Google’s Quick, Draw! is a fun game where you try to get the AI to recognize your drawings before time runs out. Another option from Google, Thing Translator, lets you hear the word for an object in a different language by snapping a photo of it. Additionally, Freddimeter uses AI to rate how well you can sing like Freddie Mercury, with options for popular Queen songs.

Overall, AI tools and games can add a new level of excitement and creativity to your life. Whether you’re interested in music, art, or games, there’s something out there for everyone to enjoy. So why not give these free AI tools a try and see what you can create?