
Russia has announced that it will provide asylum to those who are against Western liberal ideals which clash with traditional Russian values. This move allows foreign nationals to seek temporary residence in Russia without the usual requirements such as knowledge of the Russian language, history, and laws.

The decree signed by President Vladimir Putin specifically mentions the rejection of neoliberal policies in their home countries as a valid reason for seeking asylum in Russia. These policies are seen as imposing values that go against traditional Russian spiritual and moral beliefs. These values are outlined in Russia’s state policy, which covers areas like immigration, homosexuality, and gender identity.

In a 2019 interview with the Financial Times, Putin criticised German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her liberal approach to immigration from the Middle East. He expressed concerns about the liberal idea that migrants should be allowed to act without consequences, highlighting the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions.

While Putin stated that Russia is not homophobic, he did express reservations about the Western promotion of homosexuality and gender fluidity. He believes that traditional values are more significant and stable compared to liberal ideals, which he believes are losing their relevance.

This decision by Russia to offer asylum to those against Western liberalism reflects a broader global debate on values and ideologies. It raises questions about the role of traditional values in a rapidly changing world and the extent to which countries should embrace liberal ideals. The move also highlights Russia’s stance on issues like immigration, LGBTQ rights, and gender equality, which have been subjects of international scrutiny.