
A 66-year-old man named John Darby, residing in Grays, has been found guilty of 14 sexual offences involving a young girl. The verdict was delivered at Basildon Crown Court on Friday, August 9. The victim had come forward to Essex Police in 2017, reporting that Darby had been sexually abusing her for a number of years. Upon his arrest, Darby denied all accusations during questioning. However, he was charged with various offences including assault of a child under 13, causing a child to engage in sexual activity, and attempted assault of a child under 13 by penetration. The sentencing is scheduled for Thursday, August 15.

Detective Inspector Emma Portfleet expressed her disgust at the trauma inflicted by Darby on the victim. She highlighted the victim’s courage in coming forward and enduring the trial process, as Darby refused to admit his guilt. This forced the victim to relive the painful experiences of her childhood. Despite the conviction, it is acknowledged that the damage caused by Darby cannot be undone, but it is hoped that the victim can begin to move forward.

The Crime and Public Protection team remains committed to holding perpetrators like Darby accountable for their actions. They assure victims that all offences, no matter when they occurred, will be thoroughly investigated and the necessary support will be provided throughout the legal process.

It is important for survivors of abuse to know that they are not alone and that there are resources available to help them cope and heal. Seeking justice and holding perpetrators accountable is crucial in ensuring the safety and well-being of all individuals, especially children who are vulnerable to such heinous crimes.