
Tom Tugendhat, a hopeful candidate in the Tory leadership race, will be live streaming his first major speech on Tuesday, August 13th. He plans to address the recent riots and call for a national conversation about the root causes, highlighting the deterioration of Britain’s social fabric.

In his upcoming speech, Tugendhat is expected to criticize the prevalent “culture of denial” that tends to overlook the underlying issues of serious violence. He will emphasize the importance of understanding the identity and motives of the perpetrators instead of moving on too quickly from such acts.

Moreover, Tugendhat is likely to accuse Prime Minister Keir Starmer of a “failure of leadership” and advocate for the use of “uncompromising force” by the police in handling violent disorder situations. This reflects his stance on taking a tough approach towards maintaining law and order.

This isn’t the first time Tugendhat is running for the Tory leadership position. He previously contested in 2022 but was eliminated in the third round of voting by MPs. His decision to run again signifies his determination and ambition to lead the Conservative party.

Tugendhat’s speech is anticipated to address critical issues facing the country and present his vision for a stronger and safer Britain. His willingness to engage in tough conversations and confront challenges head-on sets him apart as a candidate who is unafraid to tackle difficult issues.

As the live stream of Tugendhat’s speech approaches, political enthusiasts and voters alike are eager to hear his insights and policy proposals. This event marks an important moment in the Tory leadership campaign and could potentially shape the direction of the party in the coming months.

Stay tuned to witness Tom Tugendhat’s impactful speech and gain valuable insights into his leadership approach and priorities for the future of the Conservative party. Let’s engage in a national dialogue about the pressing issues affecting our society and work towards building a stronger and more resilient nation together.