
Jon Favreau recently revealed exciting news for fans of the Star Wars franchise at Disney’s fan convention, D23. He announced a new film titled The Mandalorian And Grogu, starring Pedro Pascal and his trusty sidekick. The film is currently in production and is set to debut in May 2026, marking the return of Star Wars to the big screen.

The teaser clip shown to the audience featured the masked bounty hunter and baby Yoda, also known as Grogu, touching fingers in a heartwarming moment. Fans were thrilled to see this new adventure unfold between the two beloved characters. Additionally, the appearance of Babu Frik flying a ship added to the excitement surrounding the upcoming film.

In addition to the Star Wars news, Pixar’s chief creative officer Pete Docter announced that The Incredibles 3 is in the works. Brad Bird, the talented writer and director behind the first two films, is returning for the next installment of the popular superhero family saga. This news delighted fans who have been eagerly awaiting the return of the beloved undercover super-family.

Moreover, Frozen director Jennifer Lee hinted at two more films being added to the Frozen franchise. After the success of Frozen 2, Lee shared concept art for Frozen 3, which is scheduled for release in 2027. The artwork teased an epic adventure for Anna and Elsa, sparking curiosity and anticipation among fans.

The Disney fan convention also saw announcements for other exciting projects, including a live-action adaptation of Lilo And Stitch set for summer 2025, and an original animated film titled Hoppers starring Jon Hamm, set to debut in spring 2026. Additionally, Avatar star Zoe Saldana has joined the cast of Elio, a film slated for release in June 2025. Saldana expressed her connection to the character and her excitement to portray a realistic family dynamic on screen.

Surprise appearances from Hollywood stars added to the excitement of the event, with Ginnifer Goodwin announcing a sequel to the 2016 comedy Zootopia. The sequel will feature Everything Everywhere All At Once Oscar-winner Ke Huy Quan as a slivering highly venomous viper named Gary, alongside Goodwin’s rabbit character Judy Hopps and Jason Bateman’s fox Nick Wilde. Fans can look forward to the film’s release in November 2025.

Overall, the Disney fan convention was packed with exciting announcements and surprises for fans of all ages. From the return of Star Wars to the expansion of beloved franchises like Frozen and The Incredibles, there is plenty to look forward to in the world of Disney films.