
Three Labour MPs from Ealing celebrated their election victories with enthusiasm and promises to support all constituents in the area. Rupa Huq, the MP for Ealing Central and Acton, expressed her excitement for a fresh start and a changed Labour party after years of austerity. She pledged to represent all constituents, regardless of how they voted.

Deirdre Costigan, the MP for Ealing Southall, emphasized her commitment to supporting everyone in the community, regardless of their background or voting preferences. She highlighted the significant changes happening in traditionally non-Labour areas, turning them red on election night. Costigan expressed her eagerness to begin her new role and make a positive impact.

James Murray, the third Labour MP elected in Ealing, secured a comfortable majority and expressed his gratitude for the support he received. With a clean sweep in Ealing and over 400 Labour seats won nationally, it was a successful night for the party.

Reflecting on the importance of representing constituents, former Labour MP Stephen Pound emphasized the responsibility MPs have to understand and serve the needs of the community. He stressed the significance of taking this duty seriously and acting in the best interests of the people they represent.

The Labour MPs in Ealing are ready to work hard and support their constituents, promising a fresh start and positive change for the area. Their commitment to inclusivity and dedication to serving all community members sets a strong foundation for their term in office. The landslide victory for Labour in Ealing and across the country signals a significant shift in political landscape, with new opportunities for progress and positive change on the horizon.