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Hetti Barkworth-Nanton, the chair of Refuge charity, recently received a CBE for her work in supporting victims of domestic violence. She praised the decision by the Australian Senate to ban social media for children under 16 as a way to combat online abuse. She emphasized the connection between social media use and the rise in sexual harassment and abuse among schoolchildren.
Ms. Barkworth-Nanton highlighted the importance of addressing tech abuse and ensuring that young people are not isolated by such bans. She stressed the need for schools to take a proactive approach in restricting phone use and for social media companies to collaborate in preventing harmful content from targeting young users.
In addition to advocating for social media restrictions, Ms. Barkworth-Nanton called for a comprehensive approach to addressing domestic violence. She pointed to the influence of social media, access to pornography, and the lack of education in schools as contributing factors to the perpetuation of abuse. She also highlighted the need for significant reforms in the criminal justice system to better support survivors and ensure that perpetrators are held accountable.
Domestic abuse remains a prevalent issue, with one in five adults experiencing it in their lifetime. Tragically, about three women die by suicide each week as a result of domestic abuse. Despite the high prevalence of domestic violence, a large percentage of cases go unreported to the authorities.
Ms. Barkworth-Nanton’s insights shed light on the complex challenges posed by online abuse and domestic violence. By addressing these issues through a combination of social media restrictions, education, and systemic reforms, we can work towards creating a safer and more supportive environment for all individuals affected by abuse. Your support enables us to continue shedding light on these critical issues and advocating for meaningful change.