
Uxbridge actor Jon-Paul Gates is eagerly anticipating the upcoming release of his latest film, Escape, on September 30. The movie is an action-packed thriller that focuses on themes of female empowerment. In the film, Gates takes on the role of an Albanian gang member.

Drawing comparisons to the popular ‘Taken’ film series, Escape offers a unique twist on the typical action genre. Instead of a lone hero like Liam Neeson taking down the Albanian mafia, the film showcases a group of girls who come together to defeat their enemies.

Escape has already seen success in the United States, where it was released by Paramount earlier this year. Now, with its general release approaching, Gates is excited to share the film with audiences in the UK.

Born in Greenford and raised in Yorkshire, Gates has called Uxbridge home for the past two decades. His passion for acting and dedication to his craft have led him to this latest project, where he brings his talent to the forefront in a thrilling and empowering role.

As Gates prepares for the release of Escape, fans and moviegoers in Uxbridge and beyond can look forward to experiencing an intense and action-packed film that offers a fresh take on the genre. With its focus on female empowerment and teamwork, Escape promises to be an exciting and engaging viewing experience for all. Be sure to mark your calendars for September 30 and catch Jon-Paul Gates in action in Escape.