
Last Thursday, graduates from Groundwork London’s Youth Leadership Programme gathered for a celebratory event at Berkeley Group’s development at The Green Quarter in Southall. The event was a chance to honor the accomplishments of the 74 participants who completed the program.

Kalpana Arias, a technologist, guerrilla gardener, urban greening activist, and founder of Nowadays On Earth, a social enterprise, delivered the keynote speech. She emphasized the importance of young individuals connecting with nature and the positive impact it can have on their lives.

The 14-week leadership program includes weekly skills workshops, social action planning, and a residential component. Participants have the opportunity to apply the skills they acquire to green spaces, engaging in social action to enhance their environment and personal growth. Additionally, they develop employability skills and boost their confidence along the way.

One highlight from the cohort at West London College in Southall was the design of an innovative greenhouse. The greenhouse will be constructed using recycled and sustainably sourced materials, with the community having a say in how it will be utilized.

The partnership between Berkeley Foundation and Groundwork London, established in early 2023, aims to make a tangible difference in the lives of young people. Through initiatives like the Youth Leadership Programme, the organizations are working to empower youth, foster leadership skills, and promote sustainability in the community.

The celebration event served as a testament to the hard work and dedication of the graduates, showcasing their leadership achievements and commitment to making a positive impact. As they continue on their journey, these young individuals are poised to become future leaders and change-makers in their communities.